
And Operator

Syntax: <boolean_expression> and <boolean_expression>


And is a logical operator: it compares two boolean expressions and returns a boolean value. And returns true if both conditions evaluate to true. Otherwise, if either or both conditions evaluate to false, the and operator returns false.


Create a button with the following script: on mouseUp put 10 into num1 put 20 into num2 if num1 = 10 and num2 = 20 then beep end mouseUp Now click on the button. The computer beeps because both conditions are true. The following statements evaluate to true. If you type them in the Message Box and press Enter after each, Oracle Media Objects returns the value true. true and true true and 10=10 3>2 and 1<100 true and (true and (true and true)) The following statements evaluate to false. If you type them in the Message Box and press Enter after each, Oracle Media Objects returns the value false. true and false false and false (2+3=1) and (2+3=5)
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.